Ripping angle darts

I was reading with Foote in my apartment today. We heard a REALLY loud ripping sound outside, so we went out on the balcony to see what was getting torn up. We could see that other people on nearby roofs and balconies were looking at the sky. The people above my balcony were talking about ‘The Blue Angles’. Across the way on the rooftop, people were pointing and warding off the sky with brown bottles, then drinking out of them???? Foote saw the angles and pointed at them but I couldn’t see them.

Yikes! There are angles ripping stuff apart?????? I never saw them, apparently they go really fast. I was scared, I think they know what I was reading, and might come after me! Foote said they look like little blue darts. YIKESS!!!! They’re ripping peoples naughty books apart!  What good is a brown bottle going to do?

Hola Juicy

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Lady on the trail by the road

I was driving to work today, along the road near Lake union and the trail.  I saw a person sprawled across the trail, like maybe they were sleeping.  After 100 yards I started to worry that maybe he (or she) might be cold, or sick, or really sad.  So I turned around and drove back.  I saw her laying on her back, partly curled around some stuff on the ground.  A cute little white mouse was skittering around her face.  Hey, don’t eat her eyes!  I thought.  I said “are you OK?”  She didn’t move.  I was a few feet away, the mouse kind of scared me.  I crouched down and reached over to her knee and jiggled it a little and said a little louder “are you OK?”.  She started awake and said “Yes!”.   The mouse skittered away, under the nearby truck.   “I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure, there was a mouse near your face”.  “My RAT!  Thats my RAT!” she said, jumping to her feet.  I backed away.  “Where’s my RAT?”  I pointed under the truck.  She kneeled  down near the truck.  I got in my car and left.  It wasn’t a RAT, it was a MOUSE!

Hola Juicy

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Riding the Bus

I had to go to a store downtown.  I live in Capitol Hill, so it’s easy to bus there, I just walk to the stop on Pine.  But there was this stuff on the sidewalk.  It looked like barf.  I don’t like barf, smelly stuff comes off of it.  I remember barfing before, it tasted like acid in my mouth.  I think the fumes from that smelly stuff on the sidewalk would get on my pants and make them smell, maybe cause holes the next time I wash my pants.  I didn’t want to walk by it.  But there was this guy walking next to me and he looked like a bad guy.  I didn’t want to show weakness!  So I pointed at the barf and laughed.  Then, he barfed.  ARG!

Hola Juicy

Posted in daily life | 1 Comment

What are trucks for?

I mean, I can fit whatever I want into my car.  I even fit 3 bags of groceries once.

Hola Juicy

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I like pizza

When I went to get a slice, the pizza maid was busy cutting up a pizza I didn’t want. I put my money on the counter to be ready for when she was done slicing the yucky pizza. She kept on cutting. I was so hungry I had to rest my head on the counter. I was worried I might be too weak to open my mouth by the time she was done cutting up the yucky pizza, so I opened my mouth while I had the strength. The boss in the back looked over, like my dying right there would be such an inconvenience! Finally the yucky one was cut up and I got to eat. For the record, it was ‘Hot Mamas’ pizza. I like the pizza there, but the maid might starve you to death sometimes.

Hola Juicy

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