Lady on the trail by the road

I was driving to work today, along the road near Lake union and the trail.  I saw a person sprawled across the trail, like maybe they were sleeping.  After 100 yards I started to worry that maybe he (or she) might be cold, or sick, or really sad.  So I turned around and drove back.  I saw her laying on her back, partly curled around some stuff on the ground.  A cute little white mouse was skittering around her face.  Hey, don’t eat her eyes!  I thought.  I said “are you OK?”  She didn’t move.  I was a few feet away, the mouse kind of scared me.  I crouched down and reached over to her knee and jiggled it a little and said a little louder “are you OK?”.  She started awake and said “Yes!”.   The mouse skittered away, under the nearby truck.   “I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure, there was a mouse near your face”.  “My RAT!  Thats my RAT!” she said, jumping to her feet.  I backed away.  “Where’s my RAT?”  I pointed under the truck.  She kneeled  down near the truck.  I got in my car and left.  It wasn’t a RAT, it was a MOUSE!

Hola Juicy

About Hola Juicy

I was born in Buenos Aries, child of 3 doctors. The police never liked my parents, so we moved around a lot. My parents were always nice to me and kept all the mean people of the world away from me. They all got lost, so now I live alone in Seattle.
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2 Responses to Lady on the trail by the road

  1. fenster says:

    Yeah, I am not scared of mices or rats, either one. Or crazey ladies. But I totally get what you are saying Hola. I don’t like the homeles either. You know how sometimes they ask you for money? Like, for a hamburger they will say,,I NEED 10 cents a hamburger. And I am always like,,Yeah, well, ok,, but I cant because I ,, I ,, I need my money. And then sometimes we have to have a fist fight about that. So, you are lucky she didn’t try to sick her rats on you or bite your abkle.

  2. fenster says:

    Hear Hear Fenster! You are socially wise and a beacon of behavior. We should all of us always listen to your amazeing words of wisdom! I like you,,,no, no,,, I LOVE you. You are very smart and anyone who dosen’t think so is dumb.
    This email was written by,
    Bill Obi Won Kanobiskinson

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