Riding the Bus

I had to go to a store downtown.  I live in Capitol Hill, so it’s easy to bus there, I just walk to the stop on Pine.  But there was this stuff on the sidewalk.  It looked like barf.  I don’t like barf, smelly stuff comes off of it.  I remember barfing before, it tasted like acid in my mouth.  I think the fumes from that smelly stuff on the sidewalk would get on my pants and make them smell, maybe cause holes the next time I wash my pants.  I didn’t want to walk by it.  But there was this guy walking next to me and he looked like a bad guy.  I didn’t want to show weakness!  So I pointed at the barf and laughed.  Then, he barfed.  ARG!

Hola Juicy

About Hola Juicy

I was born in Buenos Aries, child of 3 doctors. The police never liked my parents, so we moved around a lot. My parents were always nice to me and kept all the mean people of the world away from me. They all got lost, so now I live alone in Seattle.
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One Response to Riding the Bus

  1. fenster says:

    Yeah Hola,
    I know what you mean. I hate barf too. Unles it is the kind of barf that comes from the magic of conception and your lady friend starts barfing in the morning because that is part of the beutiful part of the miracle of creating a new life. Not that I have a lady friend that is barfing because of the beuty of life,, well, ok, I DO have lady friends but that is just that. They are only lady FRIENDS. Just like you are my boy FRIEND Hola,, not romanticly,, just you are a boy and I am your friend. And sometimes we talk about barf. Get what I mean now?
    Anyways, a funny way to make your friends barf, if they are small enough,, or even if you like playing jokes on squirels,,, anyways, you put them in the drier with the heat turned off. That is important cause if you turn the heat on they die. Anyways, do that as a double joke when some one elses laundry is in the drier. You will laugh and laugh and laugh,, and your friend might giggle a little sheepishly too all covered in barf and smirking. Once they can stand up again.
    But I repeat, DO NOT TURN ON THE HEAT cause they will die, and then no one will be laughing very much. Maybe the judge and a few people on the jurry might in re-counting the conviction to their friends and family, but after they gigle they will just say it was actually a really really sad thing.
    So, if you do it right, it can be really funny barf,,, but , if you do it wrong, it will be a little funny and you won’t be able to help but giggle a little bit even though killing your friend is really just mostly a very very sad thing that makes you go to jail and probably hell.
    Capital H hell I am talking about, but no one can really say for sure except God. And he posts on here once in a while. He/she/it depending upon your religous convictions,, cause none of us knows for certain except this mysterious entity. And maybe, just maybe capital G god will clear this up for us, cause capital G god posts on this clown site some times. Which makes me wonder if being an all powerful entity isn’t a little boring sometimes.
    This message was posted by Fenster

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