What are trucks for?

I mean, I can fit whatever I want into my car.  I even fit 3 bags of groceries once.

Hola Juicy

About Hola Juicy

I was born in Buenos Aries, child of 3 doctors. The police never liked my parents, so we moved around a lot. My parents were always nice to me and kept all the mean people of the world away from me. They all got lost, so now I live alone in Seattle.
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4 Responses to What are trucks for?

  1. fenster says:

    ACTUALLY, Hola, the scientific literature,, it sugests that girls drive cars and boys drive trucks. I am not just saying this,, cause we are friends and I do not want to upset you or make you feal bad. But girls drive cars. Boys drive trucks.
    Written by,

  2. fenster says:

    Good point, you are very smart fenster,,boys DO drive trucks. It is in the journal of Scientific Studies and Samrt Scientists this month. And girls drive cars.
    Written by,
    Glen Bilboson

  3. Hola Juicy says:

    Fenster, I don’t believe anything you’re saying! I can JUST SEE that those ‘joe blow movie star’ people are just YOU! We have to repair our relationship. Regain Trust. I do love you, you know?

  4. fenster says:

    I am very sorry that sometimes what I say is hard for you to believe. But I love you and we are buddys and we run around and I never let anyone throw rocks at you even when I could make a lot of money at street fairs if I did. Remember that? We have been through so much together and we are just big fat buddies now and you and I cannot help it.
    Cause sometimes loved ones fight and argue and hurt each other. Sometimes we give each other black eyes,, emotional,, I repeat emotional, black eyes. But we only hit each other because we love each other, so it is ok. That is how we know we love each other because we slug each other in the gut and spit out our teeth after we hit each other in the mouth. The proverbial mouth!
    Gosh, you are SO literal sometimes,, sometimes you are really just asking for it. I try really hard you know. I mean, I mean, It’s not always easy,,Ya Know? Somtimes I just feal like you don’t try at all. Like I am doing all the work while you are out drinking your booze and chaseing whatever girl happens to be around, and me, I stay at home trying to make it beutiful, clean,, homey,,,a place you are happy to come to at the end of the day. A place for you to come to at the end of the day reaking of cheap perfume and liquor.
    Well Buster,,,let me tell you that you are right about one thing,,we do need to re-build trust! Your right on that one, boy let me tell you that much right now! So yeah, we can talk sometime, “try” and rebuild trust. I am game for it because of our past, because we have put so much into this,, but MAN! I am not fooling myself any longer. I guese it is partly MY fault. I should have accepted you a long time ago. And I am working on that,,,I really am. But ask yourself, please, ask yourself, are you willing to do the same for me? Can you do that? Or are we going to have another conersation that ends in me sprawled on the floor in a pool of my own blood with one eye ball hanging from it’s socket and the other one and two of my fingers across the room under the couch? Metaphorically speaking. Cause if it is just going to be another one of those, well, then I guese I can try again. We hit each other, metaphorically, cause we love each other. It is how we show it. That and stealing from each other.
    This message was posted in the email by,

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